Cyanotype on old cookbooks
Cyanotype on old cookbooks
Cyanotype on old cookbooks
Cyanotype on old cookbooks
Cyanotype on old cookbooks
Cyanotype on old cookbooks
Cyanotype on old cookbooks
Cyanotype on old cookbooks
Cyanotype on old cookbooks
Cyanotype on old cookbooks
Cyanotype on old cookbooks
Cyanotype on old cookbooks
Cyanotype on old cookbooks
Cyanotype on old cookbooks
Cyanotype on old cookbooks
Cyanotype on Swiss topographic map
Cyanotype on Swiss topographic map
Cyanotype on Swiss topographic map
Cyanotype on Swiss topographic map
Cyanotype on Swiss topographic map
Cyanotype on Swiss topographic map Carte de Rapperswil - Photo Jona -1:25'000 - 1956
Cyanotype on Swiss topographic map Carte de Zürich - Photo Tiefenbrunnen -1:25'000 - 1956
Cyanotype on Swiss topographic map Carte de Genève - Photo Kilchberg -1:50'000 - 1958
Cyanotype on Swiss topographic map Carte de Lugano - Photo Rüschlikon -1:25'000 - 1959
Cyanotype on Swiss topographic map Carte de Lausanne - Photo Stäfa -1:25'000 - 1964
Cyanotype on Swiss topographic map Carte de Rawilpass - Photo Sargans - 1:50'000 - 1921
Cyanotype on Swiss topographic map Carte de Aigle Saxon - Photo Sargans - 1:50'000 - 1921
Cyanotype on Swiss topographic map Carte de Splügenpass - Photo Sargans -1:50'000 - 1918
Cyanotype sur carte topographique suisse Carte de Sustenpass - Photo Sargans -1:50'000 - 1912
Cyanotype on Swiss topographic map Carte du col du Saint-Bernard - Photo Sargans - 1:50'000 - 1921
Cyanotype on National Geographic map : Sihlwald ZH - The Balkans - 1966 - 44 cm x 29 cm
Cyanotype on National Geographic map : Stoos-SZ - Arctic-Ocean - 1966 - 44 cm x 29 cm
Cyanotype on National Geographic map: Klöntal-GL - Greece and the Aegean - 1966 - 44 cm x 29 cm
Cyanotype on National Geographic map : Chüeplanng UR - USSR - 1966 - 44 cm x 29 cm
Cyanotype on National Geographic map : Chüeplanng UR - Iberia Peninsula - 1966 - 44 cm x 29 cm
Cyanotype on National Geographic map : Col du Sanetsch - Europe - 1966 - 44 cm x 29 cm
Cyanotype on National Geographic map : Lenzerheide GR - Middle-East - 1966 - 44 cm x 29 cm
Cyanotype on National Geographic map : Charetalp SZ - Sahara - 1966 - 44 cm x 29 cm
Cyanotype on National Geographic map : Sihlwald ZH - Yugoslavia - 1966 - 44 cm x 29 cm
Cyanotype on National Geographic map : Greina Ebene GR - South East Asia - 1966 - 44 cm x 29 cm
Le cyanotype est une technique de tirage par contact, à partir du mélange de citrate d’ammonium ferrique et de ferricyanure de potassium. Cela permet de réaliser des tirages photographiques bleu de Prusse, bleu cyan.
Cyanotypie ist eine Kontaktabzugstechnik, bei der eine Mischung aus Eisenammoniumcitrat und Kaliumferricyanid verwendet wird.
Dadurch lassen sich fotografische Abzüge in Preussisch Blau, Cyanblau herstellen.
Cyanotype is a contact printing technique using a mixture of ferric ammonium citrate
and potassium ferricyanide. This produces Prussian blue, cyan blue photographic prints.